Construction of the Cyprus Airways Aircraft Hangar (1989-1990)

Fabricating the Castellated Columns. Foreman Soteris (right RIP), with fabricator Takis.
The Fabricated Rafter
The first Rafter Prepared for Lifting
The Rafter Lifted in Position
Erector Stelios bolting the Rafter to the Column
More Rafters Erected
Connecting Purlins to Tie the Rafters Together
Engineer Petros with Foreman Morphakis (RIP) and Crane Operator Michalis
Erecting the Front Trusses
Erectors Vasos, Stelios and Evris on the Trusses
Connecting more Purlins
Erector Vasos on the Sliding Door Outriggers
Fixing the Trapezoidal Cladding
Assembling the Sliding Doors on the Floor
Assembled Doors in Line for Erection. In the Backround Cyprus Airways A310 and BAC1-11
The First Sliding Door Leaf Lifted in Position
The Door Leaf on Rails and Guiding Tracks
Three Door Leafs out of the Door Outrigger
All Door Leafs in Position
The Finished Hangar
The Steel Erection Team: Left to Right Stelios, Michalakis, Michalis, Vasos, Foreman Morphakis, Evris and Engineer Petros
Today the Hangar is used By Bird Aviation

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